Tomakin Community Association

about us

The Tomakin Community Association (TCA) has existed on and off in various forms since at least 1890 and has always been a powerful force for improvements to Tomakin and its infrastructure, voicing residents’ concerns and organising events and fund raising for the benefit of locals and charities. One small example of this history is that on 6 March 1897, the Tomakin and Mosquito Bay Progress Association coordinated and sent a letter to the NSW Parliament asking for support in repealing the dog tax (a very contentious tax on rural residents using dogs for hunting and protection).

TCA provide a powerful and central point for discussions and negotiations with the Shire Council and NSW Government and have been instrumental in working with the Council to achieve many positive developments and extra facilities for Tomakin across the ages.

The Tomakin Community Association aims to​​ promote activities that build fellowship and community spirit in the Tomakin community, promote community values by conducting regular meetings to hear the views of the residents of the Tomakin community, represent the Tomakin community at appropriate forums and meetings, build positive relationships with Eurobodalla Shire Council staff and elected councillors to ensure the views of the Tomakin community are taken into consideration, build relationships with appropriate businesses and groups that have similar or related objectives, seek or provide funding for community projects identified by the Tomakin community, and conduct fundraising events to promote interest in the Association and to raise funds for community projects identified by the Tomakin community.

Our aims

Our Committee

Daphne Cole    – President

Liz Clout           – Vice-President

Anne Kenney   – Secretary

Justin Scowen – Treasurer

Sophie Apps 

Tom Brewer

Simon Buckingham

Leanie Cornelly

Peter Cornelly

Karen Crowe

Peter Crowe

Holly Hatcher

Vicki Lloyd

Shea-Lee Stanton

Sally Thiem

Kim Ward

Mike Ward


